What Shopify app permissions does Shipped Suite need and why?

Last Updated: 2 years ago

The requested permissions ensure Shipped Suite is integrated with your Online Store in order to function properly. 

Edit Products

Shopify has a closed-cart system. In order for customers to purchase Shipped Shield premium package assurance, it must be available as a product. 

This permission enables Shipped Shield to be added as a product.

Edit Orders

Shipped Suite helps reduce customer support costs by automatically creating new replacement orders and issuing refunds when shipments protected by Shipped Shield are damaged, lost or stolen. 

This permission enables Shipped to automatically create replacement orders and issue refunds for approved requests.

Edit your Online Store

Your Online Store includes your navigation and theme scripts. Shipped Track provides a branded self-service tracking experience for customers that can be linked in your footer navigation. Shipped Shield provides premium package assurance that increases purchase intent through a script included in your theme file. 

This permission enables Shipped to enable its self-service tracking portal and premium package assurance.

View Shopify Account, Customer, an Other Data

Shipped Suite provides comprehensive analytics on your orders, shipments and claims to help improve your business operations.

This permission enables Shipped to provide these analytics.

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