What is Return Protection and how do I enable it?

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Return Protection by Shipped offers your customers the option to add standard return on final sale items. Your customer can simply initiate a return of a protected final sale item with your branded self-service returns center.

Once Return Protection setting is enabled, follow the below steps to implement the Return Protection widget to your store's product and cart pages.

Referenced theme: Cornerstone

Accessing theme files to make edits

  1. From your left menu, go to Storefront > Themes

  2. Locate Advance and select Edit theme files

  3. If Edit theme files is not an available option, select Make a copy.

  4. From the copied theme, click on "..." and select Edit theme files.

Installing widget on Product Page

  1. Within Edit theme files, go to templates > components > products > add-to-cart.html

  2. In the file, locate the following line:

    <div class="add-to-cart-buttons">

  3. Above that line, add

    <div class="shipped-widget" data-product-id="{{product.id}}"></div>

  4. Click Save file

Installing widget on Cart Page

  1. Within Edit theme files, go to templates > components > cart > content.html

  2. Find the following code in the file:

    <h2 class="cart-item-name">
        <a class="cart-item-name__label" href="{{url}}">{{name}}</a>
  1. Below the above code, add the following:

    <div class="shipped-widget-cart-item" 
  2. Click Save file

Need help with the implementation or have questions about Return Protection?

Contact us at support@invisiblecommerce.com

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