Shopify Plus - Shipped Widget Implementation

Last Updated: 1 day ago

In order to offer Shipped products to your customers at checkout, Shipped widget must be added to your checkout page. We're here to help if you need any assistance, just send us a request at

Before you start, please ensure that Shipped Shield and/or Green is enabled in the Shipped Suite merchant admin.


  1. Go to "Settings" from your Shopify Plus admin dashboard.

  2. Select "Checkout" and click on "Customize" on the live version.

  3. Click on "Add app" on the lower left corner and select "Shield + Green Upsell" to insert the Shipped widget to your checkout page.

    IMPORTANT! Do not add "Shield + Green Upsell" app multiple times.

  4. Move the widget to the desired position. We recommend inserting the widget right before "Shipping address."

  5. Configure the Shipped widget based on your enabled Shipped features.

    1. Select "Yes" for Shipped Shield if enabled.

    2. Select "Yes" for Shipped Green if enabled.

  6. Check the "Include app in express checkouts" box.

  7. Click "Save" on the upper right corner.

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