How can I hide Shipped Shield/Green in my store?

Last Updated: 1 year ago

If you would like to hide Shipped Shield or Shipped Green as a listed product, you can do so by removing Shipped Shield or Shipped Green from all collections on your store.

If your product catalog is based on collections referencing specific product types and doesn't have a collection that includes all products, there’s no need to hide Shipped Shield from your catalog.

The following is the instructions to hide Shipped Shield as a listed product.

  1. Go to Collections from the left menu and select “Create collection”

  2. Name collection “All Products (Excluding Shipped)"

  3. Set conditions to "Product Vendor" is not equal to "Shipped"

  4. Save

  5. Locate the menu button that links to “All products” and replace it with the “All products (Excluding Shipped)" collection.

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