Enabling HelpDocs Knowledge Base

Last Updated: 1 year ago

If you use HelpDocs to maintain a knowledge base utilized by your customer support team to address inquiries, you can integrate this knowledge into the AI CX Agent. This enables the AI to retrieve information for resolving customer support tickets.

  1. From the AI Agent > Channels page, navigate to "Knowledge Base" section.

  2. Click on "Enable" on "HelpDocs".

  3. Enter your knowledge base API Key when prompted.

  4. Click "Continue".

  5. You'll see the "Enabled" status pill when it's connected successfully.

  6. The articles from your knowledge base will also be synced into AI Agent > Articles page.

If you make any changes to your knowledge base, we recommend re-syncing your knowledge base by disabling and re-enabling the knowledge base.

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